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发布日期:2024-06-16 05:55    点击次数:78

s it possible for India to follow the Chinese model of growth and development?



Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam


India doesn't need to become a One Party Nation or a Nation for that



All India needs is

Drastic Legislation

Massive Base Education Program at Government Cost

Meritocracy and more Meritocracy

Failure Standards and Continuous evaluation in every arena






That's how China became what it is

So it couldn't have been Autocracy alone that steered Chinas massive growth. It should have been the above qualities



Education and Meritocracy are Chinas biggest strength

Social Justice, Reservations and Cheap Politics are Indias biggest weaknesses

In China,being poor gets you nothing except a free schooling and a lunchtime meal and community tutions

In China, the richer and poorer students go to similar Public Schools with the same Syllabus

So you can't make excuses of poverty

China says “Too bad. If you don't have the merit , please go work at a farm”







Another biggest strength of the Chinese System is ACCOUNTABILITY and FAILURE STANDARDS

Any Problem and China will zero in on the culprit in minutes or days

Every Department has its own role to play

Every Ministry has its own Failure Standards and Performance standards and Promotions are based on these standards





Take Chinas 4.5% Growth for Q1 against the Target 3.9%.

Many Officials got rewarded, promoted

Had this been 3.2% Growth, then many officials wouldnt have got promoted for a long time

Every blunder in China has to be paid with





India is the opposite

Zero Accountability, Zero failure Standards, Zero Goals for the Government and Excuses all the time



So definitely yes

India must follow the Chinese basics and they can do so even without having to be a or an Autocracy

And of course China slogged hard for 45 years

India wants to sit down and expect magic ro happen. That attitude must also change






India has a different political system and a different culture. These differences are not transplantable. Starting from 1990 China and India had the same GDP. The graph below shows there were sufficient opportunities for India to make adjustments. There is no evidence moving forward that India wants to change. The data trend suggest the divergence can widen.


Amit Jodha

There is not need to.

Indian society is way more chaotic, free and distinct from China, so it’s a fool’s errand to follow their modal, or anyone else’s for that matter.

Every country has some unique situations, it has to make best out of the given situations, it’s necessary to take note of how every country has grown, but to copy it entirely is stupid and will be unsuccessful.




Let’s take a simple example, as it known, China is a manufacturing powerhouse, but the service industry is not nearly as strong as India’s. So, following the Chinese modal will essentially mean that we need to shut TCS and other service based countries down, while we need to bolster Manufacturing by imparting basic training to the untapped labor market potential of India.

But as you might have already deduced, that is a horrific idea, what about millions upon millions of Indian professionals in service sector, including me?



So, what we instead need to do is become the service powerhouse of the world, but at the same time work on the basics of manufacturing industry so that we can at least compete to some extent with China, or even if not compete, we can at least be self sufficient for most of our needs.

We should look forward to have out cities connected with high speed rail like China, so infrastructure should be a priority, but not the ghost towns of China. Indian government has set all cylinders ablaze to boost infrastructure in India, but at the same time, our heritage need to be respected.



India and China have historically been the two largest and richest civilizations, but that was never because they were trying to copy each other, but because they found the potential and power inside themselves to make best use of personalities of the people residing in those nations.

We need to get better than yesterday, and not care much about the growth and ways of China unless we can take lessons in particular topics, such as cleanliness, order and hard work.



Venkata Krishna

My answer is a straight No. India with its myriad of castes and subcastes and outcastes and gargantuan regional differences can never follow the China model.


India's foundation prime minster was Pandit Nehru. He believed in gradualism, adoption of scientific method. The only way he could pull up the disadvantaged castes was through reservation. In spite of the best intentions of Nehru North India still suffers from extreme casteism. Therefore reservation for lower castes has to continue.


Subramaniam Duraisamy

Yes, its perfectly possible for India to follow Chinese model for our growth and development. The catch is it has a big cost.

What is that big cost you may ask? Its the loss of 15 million human lives.



This is figures complied from Wikipedia but sourced from China’s own national statistics portal. So you cannot accuse me of using biased western sources.


In the 1960’s India was also a poor hungry country, and experienced two minor famines between 1964 and 1966. However we did not kill off our hungry poor and instead produced more food for the poor through scientific means. Ofcourse- KB Sir would call this “rabble appeasement”, but more rational people would call it human empathy.

20世纪60年代,印度亦然一个贫苦的饥饿国度,在1964年至1966年工夫印度经历了两次小边界的饥馑。但印度并莫得杀掉饥饿的穷东谈主,而是通过科学妙技为穷东谈主坐褥了更多的食品。虽然- KB Sir会把这种行径称为“乌合之众的绥靖”,但感性的东谈主会将其称为东谈主类的同理心。

Much of China’s demographic advantages comes from the fact that the government had draconian one child policies of the 80s. Call it luck or fate, this dividend combined with Deng’s opening of markets in the 80’s helped China.


India on the other hand need not do any of the above. Our birth rates have been declining much more organically and steadily. We have now overtaken China as the most populous country and would continue to have a good growth till 2060 atleast.


All this achieved without any major bloodshed or draconian reforms.

This combined with other factors would eventually help our growth organic manner. We need to bring in land, labor and retail reforms along with building our physical and social infrastructure, and its a matter of time



Alfred W Croucher

Is it wise for India to copy China's SEZ led growth model?


India must do what is best for India. I do not envy Modiji. Creating a modern economy in India just threatens the livelihood of so many people. Perhaps creating some model 'special zones' might have a salutary effect. Of course just throwing the country open to foreign trade and FDI before achieving some degree of modern efficiency would throw millions out of work and create chaos. But the Indian tendency to employ the most labour intensive methods will be difficult to overcome unless so many modern jobs can be created to absorb them.


